Media Coverage

Artists Announced for Fifth Annual Artist-in-Residence Program on Mackinac Island

Mackinac State Historic Parks is pleased to announce the artists selected for the fifth annual Mackinac Island Artist-in-Residence program, which is housed in the remodeled second floor of the Mackinac Island State Park Visitor’s Center, formerly the 1915 Mackinac Island Coast Guard Station.

The Mackinac State Historic Parks Artist-In-Residence Program is designed to promote and encourage the creation of artistic works inspired by the history, natural wonders, and beauty of Mackinac Island. The two-week residencies will begin in early June and continue through late September.

The selected artists will provide one public presentation (workshop, lecture, reading, demonstration, etc.) on the second Wednesday of their residency at 7:00 p.m. and contribute one piece of their work to Mackinac State Historic Parks within 12 months.

Inaugural Niedecker Fellowship Winner Announced

The Friends of Lorine Niedecker and Write On, Door County have named Lauren Carlson as the first recipient of the Lorine Niedecker Fellowship. Katherine Yets of St. Francis, Wisconsin, and Kasey Jueds of Shokan, New York, were honorable mentions.

Friends of Writers Levis Stipend announced